Today we are able to offer an episode of true sunshine. DJ Ricardo is back with a second instalment of his reggae beats sessions which is just bliss to hear whilst kicking back at home during the lockdown. Ricardo says his mix is full of 'uplifting reggae vibes for sunny evenings and BBQs'.
Hi Rick, very much a different world we are living in since your last podcast mix for us. What have you been up to?
Hi Little South, thanks for having me back. Yeah, it certainly is a different world; I’ve swapped DJing for gardening and been keeping busy outdoors.
Have you been mixing at home?
A little, I bought a Pioneer XDJ controller earlier this year, something different for me, but I haven’t got to grips with it yet. Lockdown has affected us all but for me it’s a nice little break from DJing and promoting.
What has kept you entertained through the lockdown?
My dog keeps me entertained – she’s a Welsh Collie and full of energy, I’ve also been re-reading Sven Hassel books I enjoyed as a kid and, as always, listening to Rodigan, Leroy, and Cozzie.
Talk us through your podcast tune selection.
More of the same but different. I play as much new music as I can but I’ve thrown in a couple of classics this time, uplifting Reggae Vibes for sunny evenings and BBQs.
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