We wanted to update you all on the latest plan for The Great Estate 2021.
With all the good recent news, we’re now looking ahead to 2021 and the brilliance that will be standing, or sitting, in a field once more, surrounded by the most rambunctious happenings with friends and family.
To ensure we can give you, our most loyal festival family, the very best Great Estate experience we are moving the event to August Bank Holiday weekend! That’s right, August 27th- 29th 2021. This means you don’t have to worry about school, or work and can fully immerse yourself in the festival vibes.
If you have tickets already – you do not have to do anything as they are still valid for the new date. If you haven’t got your tickets yet, go on treat yourself and grab them now: greatestatefestival.co.uk
Dutty Moonshine
Sugarhill Gang
Goldie Lookin Chain
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